2021年7月9日 星期五

【文章分享&翻譯】 訓練無竅門,堅持而已

夏威夷歐胡島的鑽石頭山(Diamond Head)山頂俯瞰一景;看到新聞報導,美國人現在瘋狂出遊潮,連夏威夷的鑽石頭山都擠滿了人潮,門票停車費都大漲,那就分享紀錄於2015年的舊照吧


原文文章標題與出處:Training secrets and consistency

原文作者:Brett Sutton,帶過無數個世界冠軍如Daniela Ryf, Chrissie Wellington與奧運冠軍Nicola Spirig的鐵血教練。


我是Percy Cerutty與Arthur Lydiard兩位偉大教練的弟子,與這兩位有些難搞的教練共事的日子裡,我學到的寶貴一課是,一個選手若想突破他們的潛能極限,他們本身就必須要學習到該用什麼樣的速度才能達成。
因此,我們的訓練系統就是教導選手們去理解自己的限制,與瞭解現有體能的框架,這是在有氧運動裡的一門重要功課。這不是一個多簡單的方法,如同蘋果電腦創辦人Steve Jobs所說:『簡單,是比複雜更難的事情』。

我同時也是兩位偉大運動員的忠實仰慕者,中長跑名將Ron Clark(譯註:他曾保有17項從2英哩到20公里的世界紀錄)與Emil Zatopek(譯註:他是史上第一位10km跑進29分的人)兩位都是沒有教練指導,大多由自己擔任自己教練的偉大選手,但他們兩位都非常樂於與人分享訓練資訊,他們也總是帶著歡笑分享而非傻笑帶過不回答他人問題,這就如同我們不斷在此網站分享訊息一般。
關於訓練,他們教會了我什麼呢?反覆練習、反覆練習、再反覆練習。僅管他們兩人的訓練方式截然不同,Ron Clark沒有錶,也幾乎不在田徑場訓練,但Emil Zatopek則幾乎全數訓練皆在田徑場執行,並採大量的間歇訓練為主。然而,他們都近乎偏執般地堅持他們所信仰的訓練之道,並以具體行動實踐著。


It seems to be all the rage for athletes and coaches to post-training sessions on social media and many seem to feel that these one-off sessions will be their key to success.Over the years, as I have coached some of triathlons top performers, I regularly get people curious to know every detail about training sessions – time done, number of reps, distance of reps, heart rates, power output or some of the more ambitious emailers flat out asking ‘could you show me the program for the whole period please?’


And it’s not because we’re overly protective or selfish with our training philosophy. It’s because such questions underly a complete misunderstanding of our training philosophy to begin with.

If you asked me for any of our Professional athletes program for tomorrow morning, I couldn’t tell you. I can’t even tell them. Tomorrow’s training depends on how today’s training is performed.

We of course have training systems that we work off and people have been putting in huge PBs off the back of our training plans. That is no surprise. Like in all things we do, we structure things in a way that emphasises consistency and flexibility.

The Approach

This sport is aerobic in nature and like marathoning or any event that goes over is 1 hour, statistical data tends to be more a novelty than the indicator of great performance. On race day the ability to understand numbers is far less ‎important than consistency and self-perceived effort.

How many reps and at what speed?

I don’t know and I don’t care.

I am a coaching disciple of Percy Cerutty and the great Arthur Lydiard. Both prickly human beings to deal with on their better days. However, both taught me that it is the individual who must learn what is enough and at what speed if they are to truly reach their potential.

Thus, we base our programs around the teaching of individuals to recognise their own limits, independent of the gadgets, as this is and always will be the more important thing in aerobic sport. It is not an unsophisticated approach:

Steve Jobs was correct when he said simple is harder than complex.

Sharing information and the importance of consistency. I am also a great admirer of two other athletic greats who were self-coached for most of their careers. Ron Clarke and the Emil Zatopek. Both were extremely open and would talk and share information with anybody who wanted help. They would also do it with a smile instead of a smirk, and it is the approach we try and take with our information on this blog. What did they teach me in their training? Repetition, repetition and repetition. Both trained completely differently. Ron had no stopwatch and would do very little track work. Emil on the other hand hardly ever left the track and trained himself nearly exclusively on interval-based work. Yet they used unbelievable consistency and repetition of training they believed in, to work for them. Day in day out. Week in week out. Month in month out. Year in year out. Then repeat. With the four people I’ve mentioned above the stopwatch was used for race days, and even then, it was not something they worshipped. Instead, they all concentrated on the same principle. No, not winning. Though they all did plenty of that. Instead, they focused on ‘knowing one’s limits, and using honour, determination and perseverance every day to make those limits yesterday’s goals!’ Old-time values, yes. But training principles that continue to produce results superior to anything else we’ve seen in triathlon. There is no secret about that.



那到底是訓練課表有效?還是慢慢學會了不管狀況好壞,也不輕言SAY NO的習慣,讓人在面對42.195公里的馬拉松,或是更長距離的鐵人三項距離裡,甚至那日復一日的訓練日常裡,也相信自己會撐過一切苦痛?



5 則留言:

  1. 100% Agree😋

  2. 疫情之下, 還能堅持的真的很難. 微解封後開始要戴著口罩, 大口喘氣的慢跑了. 希望還能跑得動.

    1. 我目前碰到最煩的事情是,戴著口罩還被路人罵,罵我的人還沒戴口罩,哈哈

    2. 你的case也太誇張了! 沒戴口罩的還敢罵人. 我最近跑了兩次就鐵小腿了, 真的打回原形了. 哈哈
