教練要訓話了,讓開讓開;紀錄於2019日本愛媛馬拉松的不知名肥肥吉祥貓 |
分享這篇來自於《220 Triathlon》的文章,因為實在寫得太棒了,完全說中我的心聲。故我會全文引用過來,同時在每一段的上方摘要內文並註記我的看法,英文好的可直接看英文,懶得看就請看我的註記,請參考。
2019年的KONA冠軍Jan Frodeno與Anne Haug,創下了兩個巧合,其一是兩人都是德國人,其二是他們都受教同一教練:Dan Lorang,分別長達7年與15年。所以這篇文章就是分享他的執教經驗,也提供給正在準備長距離鐵人賽的朋友們參考。
其中Jan Frodeno簡要的談了Dan的訓練原則,那就是持之以恆永保一致,沒有令人驚訝的超負荷課表,而是都練得恰到好處,也就是不要在單一日裡搞死自己,重要的是能否日復一日,持續數月與數年的持續累積。
Jan Frodeno and Anne Haug wrote history when they triumphed at the 2019 Ironman World Championships in Kona. Not only did they become the first German triathletes to win the mother of all triathlons on the same day, but Frodeno also became the first German to win Kona for the third time and Haug the first German woman to ever win on the Big Island. Furthermore, Frodono broke the course record that was set by another German, Patrick Lange, in 2018.
But it’s another first that really stands out from these stats: Frodeno and Haug are trained by the same coach, the Luxembourg born (and German resident) Dan Lorang. And that makes for another record: never before has a coach had his athletes win both the male and female elite Ironman World Championships on the same day.
Lorang has coached Frodeno for seven years and Haug for 15, having met at university before her elite days had begun. He’s also the coach and head of innovation for pro cycling team BORA-hansgrohe and the former trainer of the German Triathlon Federation U23 and elite teams.
“Since the beginning he was the guy to really put me on the straight and narrow, and make me understand what scientific base training is all about,” says Frodeno exclusively to 220. “His biggest ability is to slow me down, something that no one before has ever done. This enabled me to get consistency, and not just amazing training days but actually okay days and good weeks that make very good months and great years.”
So if you have Ironman dreams, from completing your first M-Dot to irons PBs, here you’ll discover how Lorang’s coaching of the sport’s biggest stars can also improve your own Ironman performances…
1. 這門運動的關鍵是:『持之以恆(Consistency)』!有時需要持續個3-4年才見到效果,不只循序漸進在發展體能,也讓教練更瞭解你。But it’s another first that really stands out from these stats: Frodeno and Haug are trained by the same coach, the Luxembourg born (and German resident) Dan Lorang. And that makes for another record: never before has a coach had his athletes win both the male and female elite Ironman World Championships on the same day.
Lorang has coached Frodeno for seven years and Haug for 15, having met at university before her elite days had begun. He’s also the coach and head of innovation for pro cycling team BORA-hansgrohe and the former trainer of the German Triathlon Federation U23 and elite teams.
“Since the beginning he was the guy to really put me on the straight and narrow, and make me understand what scientific base training is all about,” says Frodeno exclusively to 220. “His biggest ability is to slow me down, something that no one before has ever done. This enabled me to get consistency, and not just amazing training days but actually okay days and good weeks that make very good months and great years.”
So if you have Ironman dreams, from completing your first M-Dot to irons PBs, here you’ll discover how Lorang’s coaching of the sport’s biggest stars can also improve your own Ironman performances…
Anne Haug提到,他的教練最在意的是選手不能受傷,慢慢的進步與成長,將目光放得遠,絕對好過貪短期成效而受傷又得重來,愈急著想收立竿見影之效,往往都是先去醫院報到。
Consistency is imperative in training, but also in the relationship with the athlete. That means working for long-term results, which don’t happen in the same year or the year after, but even three or four years ahead. This gives us time to know each other, develop, and get the best out of it. But, of course, every athlete is different, so the first thing a coach needs to do is to identify their athlete’s physiology (i.e. their metabolic profile) and then what workloads they can handle, and build-up from there.
“For Dan, the wellbeing of his athletes is always his top priority,” says Haug. “His goal is always to have a slow and very healthy progression and then, when you reach the peak, hold it as long as you can. But he’d never go overboard just for a short-term goal.”
“For Dan, the wellbeing of his athletes is always his top priority,” says Haug. “His goal is always to have a slow and very healthy progression and then, when you reach the peak, hold it as long as you can. But he’d never go overboard just for a short-term goal.”
2. 一般來講,當文章在談『傾聽身體的聲音(Listen to your body)』,都是在講訓練時要有彈性,判斷身體的狀況好壞來適度調整課表強度與時間,不要僵化於數字。
但以下這段真正要談的是線上教練或遠距教練的優缺點,優點是給予選手很大的時間運用彈性,例如Jan Frodeno有了家庭後,無法一早就去游泳,或是有時就是早上不想練,就是想等晚一點再練,但缺點則是沒有人能面授指導技術層面或抓出數字面看不到的問題。
When you don’t see the athletes every day [Frodeno lives in Spain, Lorang Germany], it’s really important that they listen to their bodies and give good feedback. As a coach you need to manage the workload of each individual athlete. While there is a scientific base when you do performance analysis, to know exactly what kind of workload they can tolerate isn’t scientific, but develops in the long-term when you get to know the athlete more and more.
“Working with Dan is fantastic because I couldn’t report to pool deck every morning at 7am,” says Frodeno, who has two children under the age of four with wife and fellow Olympic gold medallist Emma Snowsill. “I’m not that kind of person. Sometimes I like to come at 6:30am, sometimes at eight, and this freedom allows me to execute the programme the way I think is the very best for me. The downside is that maybe technical things like running drills or working on efficiency is quite hard to do when we don’t see each other.”
“Working with Dan is fantastic because I couldn’t report to pool deck every morning at 7am,” says Frodeno, who has two children under the age of four with wife and fellow Olympic gold medallist Emma Snowsill. “I’m not that kind of person. Sometimes I like to come at 6:30am, sometimes at eight, and this freedom allows me to execute the programme the way I think is the very best for me. The downside is that maybe technical things like running drills or working on efficiency is quite hard to do when we don’t see each other.”
3. 鐵人三項是一項運動,不是分開的三項,我也很喜歡文中講的,這是一個『能量管理(Energy Management)』的運動』,你要懂得調配三項的體能分配,不只在比賽時如此,訓練時也是,要懂得重視三項間的平衡。
Anne Haug則提了另一個看法,他也曾想拉起他的弱項(單車),但因此犧牲掉了他的強項(跑步),後來發現這並非好方法,應該是讓強項可以變得更強,或者說更有自信。但只看這句話,會以為就好好發展強項就好,弱項丟一邊去,可是看第一段,發現她的游泳能力也是一級的,只是相對來講,單車稍弱些,但其實也絕非弱到那去啊?去年2019 KONA,Anne Haug的單車單項排名在職業女子組是排第7(4h50m),但也不過才差單項最快的選手5分鐘而已。
We always try to build a complete triathlete. There are times where we focus more on one discipline, but the approach is to create an athlete able to react to any race scenario. Ironman is an energy-management sport. What you invest in one discipline, you’ll miss out in the others. Jan at Kona 2019 raced in the first group from the start. Anne was able to have a strong swim and be in the first group and that was the key to delivering a good performance, managing the energy on the bike and putting more into the run. If she were behind in the swim it would’ve taken more energy on the bike and that would’ve affected the run.
“I try to see triathlon as one sport, but you always have a preference or you’re stronger in one sport, unless you’re Jan or Alistair Browlee who are strong in every discipline!,” says Haug. “I’m a good runner and in the early days I tried to work on my weaknesses, but then you sacrifice your strengths and I don’t think that’s the right approach. Mentally you always want your strength to be really strong.”
“I try to see triathlon as one sport, but you always have a preference or you’re stronger in one sport, unless you’re Jan or Alistair Browlee who are strong in every discipline!,” says Haug. “I’m a good runner and in the early days I tried to work on my weaknesses, but then you sacrifice your strengths and I don’t think that’s the right approach. Mentally you always want your strength to be really strong.”
4. 以下這段最重要的關鍵字是:『信任(TRUST)』,每一年會有2-3個週期在走,但Jan Frodeno已不在意每一階段到底在練些什麼,他只需要相信教練對他的安排是好的、是對的、以及享受這些訓練吧。
We have a first phase of technique and VO2max where we increase the aerobic capacity and get them ready for the season, then a phase more focused on strength and endurance, before a third one where we focus on economisation closer to competition with race intervals. We repeat these phases 2-3 times per year and normally after a race we start them all over again, but they’d be shorter.
“When you’re going to Ironman racing you also need to build trust. The biggest challenge was to trust the fact that you can actually get a lot of benefits from intervals and not only training long,” believes Frodeno. “Now I trust him [Lorang] quite blindly to the point that I don’t even look at the phases anymore. I recognise the pattern, but really I just enjoy each phase for what it is.”
“When you’re going to Ironman racing you also need to build trust. The biggest challenge was to trust the fact that you can actually get a lot of benefits from intervals and not only training long,” believes Frodeno. “Now I trust him [Lorang] quite blindly to the point that I don’t even look at the phases anymore. I recognise the pattern, but really I just enjoy each phase for what it is.”
5. Jan Frodeno與Anne Haug都是從小就開始訓練,都是從ITU轉戰IRONMAN,Jan走得比較順,而Anne較慢才走向長距離賽,除了個人特性或特別考量外(Anne Haug再反應了一次:ITU的比賽可以爽爽跟車,IM就不能跟車了,對我這單車弱女子來說,我怕怕)。短與長距離三鐵的,訓練的方向與內容都有很大的差異,但最重要的還是『信任(TRUST)』他們教練的安排。
It is difficult to step up from short-distance races to Ironman, but Jan won Kona two years after moving up and Anne did the same. With Anne the approach was different because of her physiology, but in general the approach was similar. It takes a decent amount of time for the body to adapt to long-distance training and racing. You can try to do it faster, but there’s a big risk of injuries and failing. And the balance between the right load and doing something wrong is a delicate one. It’s important that the athlete gives good feedback and listens to the body and the coach manages the load and doesn’t go over the limit, because that’s always the risk in high performance.
“The hardest thing for me when moving up from ITU races was the bike,” says Haug. “In [draft-legal] ITU you’re on a road bike and ride steady in a pack, but you also have high peaks when you go around the corners. In 70.3, on the other hand, you have to push it for so long at a strength-endurance pace and that was really new for me. We had to work a lot on that because, shape-wise, I’m not a big athlete and it’s hard to push the high watts.”
“The hardest thing for me when moving up from ITU races was the bike,” says Haug. “In [draft-legal] ITU you’re on a road bike and ride steady in a pack, but you also have high peaks when you go around the corners. In 70.3, on the other hand, you have to push it for so long at a strength-endurance pace and that was really new for me. We had to work a lot on that because, shape-wise, I’m not a big athlete and it’s hard to push the high watts.”
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6. 這邊談的是室內與室外訓練的優缺點,我不贅述太多。雖標題是兩者要平衡,但Jan與Anne都提到了他們教練給予他們很大的彈性,方便他們在安全考量、訓練效率、可用時間之中,找到平衡點。
I plan the bike training following the same periodisation pattern. With the bike you can still do a good amount of volume indoors on the turbo trainer, but with less risk of injuries.
“Dan doesn’t differentiate between indoor or outdoor riding; he gives me the programme and I decide depending on the weather and if I can do it inside or not,” says Frodeno. “It’s easier to do intervals on the turbo, and also a way to avoid traffic and I enjoy it.
I sometimes do hill reps indoors for running, just because it allows me to cut the rest, but I almost always run outside. Although I just got myself a treadmill, so I’ll see if I like it or not.”
“Dan doesn’t differentiate between indoor or outdoor riding; he gives me the programme and I decide depending on the weather and if I can do it inside or not,” says Frodeno. “It’s easier to do intervals on the turbo, and also a way to avoid traffic and I enjoy it.
I sometimes do hill reps indoors for running, just because it allows me to cut the rest, but I almost always run outside. Although I just got myself a treadmill, so I’ll see if I like it or not.”
7. 這邊談的是IM訓練或比賽的本質,你也許不用有很強的短時間輸出瓦數或短距離爆發力,但一定要擁有很高的抗疲勞能力與續航力,耐力是本質,有了耐力再來提升力量『Strength』,這力量透過爬坡反覆或在長跑課表裡做速度變化來提升。
我想補充的是,跑步的速度或強度課表是最需謹慎的,第一段也提到循序漸進提升強度是避免受傷的關鍵,而Anne Haug也提到了他足底筋膜的傷,故無法做高強度跑步課表。所以我通常建議是,跑步強度課表要等最後再進來,也不要用練馬拉松的課表來練超鐵,因為對於跑者而言,一週頂多1-2次速度訓練,再一個長跑就飽了,剩下日子要嘛是休息日或是Easy Day。但練超鐵者是吃飽了還要再續攤(意即剩下日子還得再練車練游,累積下來的疲勞相當可觀,反覆循環幾週就吃不消了),加上超鐵者經常是帶著疲勞去練跑的,稍有不慎就是受傷,故無論在訓練強度與量上,絕對要調整。
Even for the run training sessions we have a speed/technical phase, followed by a strength and an economisation phase. Hill reps are used to increase the VO2max and long uphill runs performed at low intensity are used for strength (4-5 x 2km). Finally, the long 25km runs are targeted in the economisation phase with intervals of 1km at race pace and 1km easy. With the run training it’s always important to build-up steadily to avoid injuries.
“Running for Ironman racing is more about strength and endurance than speed,” says Haug. “This year I did a lot of hill reps and long intervals — but I do the speed work mostly for the preparation for 70.3 racing. This year I couldn’t do much of the high-intensity work because my body just wasn’t ready to do that [because of plantar fascia injuries].”
“Running for Ironman racing is more about strength and endurance than speed,” says Haug. “This year I did a lot of hill reps and long intervals — but I do the speed work mostly for the preparation for 70.3 racing. This year I couldn’t do much of the high-intensity work because my body just wasn’t ready to do that [because of plantar fascia injuries].”
8. 哥就一句話:沒有以賽代訓這種事!
My athletes never use races as a training session. When we go to a race, we go there to show performance. Racing is also like a performance diagnostic: we prepare the race well and we go to see if the performance is where we want it to be. I never see a race as a preparation.
“I can’t take races as training sessions because I’d lose sharpness,” says Haug. “If I’m on a start line, I always want to go all-in.”
My athletes never use races as a training session. When we go to a race, we go there to show performance. Racing is also like a performance diagnostic: we prepare the race well and we go to see if the performance is where we want it to be. I never see a race as a preparation.
“I can’t take races as training sessions because I’d lose sharpness,” says Haug. “If I’m on a start line, I always want to go all-in.”
9. 如果能有營養學家幫助你,當然很好,沒有的話,只要記住兩個重點,第一是『不要採取極端飲食』,碳水化合物、蛋白質、脂肪三大營養素都有其存在的意義,熱量來源過度集中於一方或完全某一類,皆非好事,均衡飲食才是王道也是正道;第二是『多留意身體的反應』,you are what you eat,怎麼吃會練得好,身體會有何反應?這些長期累積下來的經驗,就是屬於你的飲食之道。
這邊額外介紹一個單字叫『Pescatarian』,我去年在寫這篇文章時:『鐵人J帥隨筆:吃素會讓我變強嗎?』,有看到別人寫的文章提到Jan Frodeno也是茹素者,但這個字『Pescatarian』給了真正的答案了。來拆解這字,字首的Pesca,在拉丁文裡是Piscis(魚),也許沒看過這字,但你也許看過『Pisces』,這字就是星座裡的『雙魚座』。Pesca這字到了西班牙文時,變成Pesco,成了海鮮之意。而字尾以 -tarian結尾,是某某人的意思,故『Pescatarian』就是不吃肉但吃海鮮的人!也就是海鮮素或魚素主義者。『Vegan』才是真正吃全素的人,而『Vegetarian』叫蛋奶素。以上,J帥英語教室下課。
所以,Jan Frodeno並非真的吃全素,不過如果你看了我上面談吃素的文章就會知道,其實吃不吃素也不是重點,重點是你營養攝取是否足夠!
這邊額外介紹一個單字叫『Pescatarian』,我去年在寫這篇文章時:『鐵人J帥隨筆:吃素會讓我變強嗎?』,有看到別人寫的文章提到Jan Frodeno也是茹素者,但這個字『Pescatarian』給了真正的答案了。來拆解這字,字首的Pesca,在拉丁文裡是Piscis(魚),也許沒看過這字,但你也許看過『Pisces』,這字就是星座裡的『雙魚座』。Pesca這字到了西班牙文時,變成Pesco,成了海鮮之意。而字尾以 -tarian結尾,是某某人的意思,故『Pescatarian』就是不吃肉但吃海鮮的人!也就是海鮮素或魚素主義者。『Vegan』才是真正吃全素的人,而『Vegetarian』叫蛋奶素。以上,J帥英語教室下課。
所以,Jan Frodeno並非真的吃全素,不過如果你看了我上面談吃素的文章就會知道,其實吃不吃素也不是重點,重點是你營養攝取是否足夠!
Anne and Jan have professionals and experts who give them advice for race nutrition plans. I also speak with them before the race, but the nutrition expert makes the proposal and, when we all agree, we’ll use it in competition. They don’t have a nutritionist for everyday nutrition and fuelling, but mostly because they already have great experience and they’ve already worked with many professionals so they know what their needs are. Frodeno is pescatarian [for both ethical reasons and to avoid meat contaminations while travelling] and enjoys healthy and fresh food.
“I never believed in extremes, although I tried low fat – it worked before the 2008 Olympics [which Frodeno won] – high fat and that never worked, high carb… I tried everything and found that extremes never really work for me. The more I restrict myself, the worse I go.”
10. 哥的最後一句話:心強,則身強!
Both Anne and Jan have worked on racing psychology in the past, but they do it less now. Like with the nutrition, they’ve developed their own expertise. Haug works with a sport psychologist and they speak once a month.
“Not really often, but it’s pretty helpful,” she says. “Ahead of big races we speak more often and we normally work on how we approach racing, not letting the pressure be too high on yourself, and when training only trying to concentrate on yourself and not on what everyone else is doing. I did a lot of work on racing psychology, but I also found it really hard, not impossible, to find a really individual solution in terms of mental workout,” says Frodeno. “I picked the best from the people I’ve met and worked with throughout my career and read a lot about the topic. Nowadays I think a lot about race tactics and training situations, and over the years I think I got it right.”
“Not really often, but it’s pretty helpful,” she says. “Ahead of big races we speak more often and we normally work on how we approach racing, not letting the pressure be too high on yourself, and when training only trying to concentrate on yourself and not on what everyone else is doing. I did a lot of work on racing psychology, but I also found it really hard, not impossible, to find a really individual solution in terms of mental workout,” says Frodeno. “I picked the best from the people I’ve met and worked with throughout my career and read a lot about the topic. Nowadays I think a lot about race tactics and training situations, and over the years I think I got it right.”
日本愛媛縣松山城一隅,紀錄於2019日本愛媛馬拉松 |
松山城地處高處,故有纜車可搭,很有趣的體驗,紀錄於2019日本愛媛馬拉松 |
刪除喜歡這篇的分享 真的只有累積沒有奇蹟!!
刪除好文~我看到了一個重點 “心強,則身強”,這也是我現在最欠缺的